Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Image Denoising Based on Soft Computing Techniques
Image Denoising Based on Soft Computing Techniques Free Online Research Papers Image Denoising Based on Soft Computing Techniques Abstract: Image Denoising is one of the existing problems in research area. This paper presents an interactive algorithm for image Denoising and segmentation. This paper explains the task of segmenting any given color image using soft computing techniques. The segmentation techniques used are Fuzzy Clustering (FC), Fuzzy C Means (FCM) clustering and Convolutional Networks (CN). After the image is segmented, the noise can be removed by using bilateral filtering. The denoised images are compared using image quality metrics. The image quality metrics are Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Mean Average Error (MAE). The time taken for Denoising is also used as a comparison parameter. The techniques have been tested with images of different size and resolution and the results are proven to be better than the existing state-of-art algorithms. Keywords: Denoising, segmentation, Fuzzy clustering, Fuzzy C Means (FCM), Convolutional Networks (CN), bilateral filtering. 1. Introduction Images are often corrupted by random variations in intensity values, called noise, either because of the data acquisition process, or because of occurring phenomena at scene of interest. The goal of image denoising methods is to recover the original image (better quality image) from a noisy one, in order to perform, in an easier and more accurate way, an image processing task as image segmentation. In computer vision literature, various methods dealing with segmentation, and feature extraction are discussed, which can be broadly grouped into region based techniques, edge based techniques, hybrid methods which combine edge and region methods, and so on. However, because of the variety and complexity of images, robust and efficient segmentation algorithm on color images is still a very challenging task and fully automatic segmentation procedures are far from satisfying in practical situations. This paper explains the task of classifying each pixel in an image into one of a discrete level of color classes using three main soft computing techniques, namely Fuzzy clustering, Fuzzy C Means, and Convolutional networks. The results obtained by soft computing techniques are compared with traditional hard c means technique. The results are found to be more accurate and reliable than the traditional method. The rest of this paper is explained as follows: in Section 2, the three types of soft computing techniques are explained, the use of bilateral filtering is explained in Section 3, segmentation based Denoising is explained in Section 4, the experimental results are shown in Section 5, and the conclusion is in Section 6. 2. Soft Computing Techniques: Extracting information from an image is referred to as image analysis. Image segmentation is a preliminary step in most automatic pictorial pattern recognition and scene analysis problems. It is one of the most difficult tasks in image processing. Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple regions or clusters. Each region is made up of sets of pixels. Image segmentation simplifies and changes the representation of an image. i.e. the image is transferred into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects of interest and boundaries like lines, curves in an image. The pixels of a color image are represented as vectors. Each pixel is represented a triplet containing red, green, blue spectral values at that position. The RGB color model is shown in fig.1. This is based on Cartesian coordinate system. A color expressed by an RGB vector is said to be a color represented in RGB space. Fig.1.RGB Color Model. RGB color representation is one of the numbers of color models. RGB color model is chosen for image segmentation due to its simplicity hence the fast processing speed that could be achieved [5]. Image segmentation refers to the process of dividing the image into connected regions where pixels of a region share a common property. For color images the common property is usually considered is the red: green: blue, color ratio. This ratio must be reasonably constant over the region. The color ratio does not have smoothly varying values when the pixel intensity is low. So color image segmentation based on color ratio requires that the intensity of the image must be above a threshold value. So instead of segmentation based on color ratio other techniques have been evolved. The requirements of good color image segmentation are as follows. A single region in a segmented image should not contain significantly different colors and a connected region containing same color should not have more than one label. All significant pixels should belong to the same labeled region. The intensity of a region should be reasonably uniform. Several image segmentation techniques have been suggested for gray scale images. In this paper we suggest the neural network approach for color images. 2.1.Fuzzy Clustering In non-fuzzy or hard clustering, data is divided into crisp clusters, where each data point belongs to exactly one cluster. In fuzzy clustering, the data points can belong to more than one cluster[3], and associated with each of the points are membership grades that indicate the degree to which the data points belong to the different clusters. Fuzzy clustering belongs to the group of soft computing techniques (which include neural nets, fuzzy systems, and genetic algorithms). In real applications there is very often no sharp boundary between clusters so that fuzzy clustering is often better suited for the data. Membership degrees between zero and one are used in fuzzy clustering [6] instead of crisp assignments of the data to clusters. The resulting data partition improves data understanding and reveals its internal structure. Partition clustering algorithms divide up a data set into clusters or classes, where similar data objects are assigned to the same cluster whereas dissimilar data objects should belong to different clusters. Areas of application of fuzzy cluster analysis include data analysis, pattern recognition, and image segmentation. The detection of special geometrical shapes like circles and ellipses can be achieved by so-called shell clustering algorithms. 2.2. Fuzzy C Means The most prominent algorithm is the FCM or Fuzzy C Means algorithm. The fuzzy C means algorithm was proposed as an improvement of the classic Hard C-Means clustering algorithm The FCM algorithm receives the data or the sample space, an n x m matrix where n is the number of data and m is the number of parameters. The number of clusters c, the assumption partition matrix U, the convergence value E all must be given to the algorithm. The assumption partition matrix has c number of rows and n number of columns and contains values from 0 to 1. The sum of every column has to be 1. The first step is to calculate the cluster centers. This is a matrix v of dimension c rows with m columns. The second step is to calculate the distance matrix D. The distance matrix constitutes the Euclidean distance between every pixel and every cluster center. This is a matrix with c rows and n columns. From the distance matrix the partition matrix U is calculated. If the difference between the initial partitio n matrix and the calculated partition matrix is greater than the convergence value then the entire process from calculating the cluster centers to the final partition matrix. The final partition matrix is taken and is used for reconstructing the image. Let us assume as a fuzzy C-Means Functional, (1) where ? = { x k | k â⠬ [1,n]} is a training set containing unlabeled samples = { y j | j â⠬ [1,c]} } is the set of centers of clusters; E j (x k) is a dissimilarity measure (distance or cost) between the sample x k and the center y j of a specific cluster j;U = [u jk] is the c x n fuzzy c-partition matrix, containing the membership values of all samples in all clusters; m â⠬ (1, ?) is a control parameter of fuzziness. The clustering problem can be defined as the minimization of J m with respect to Y, under the probabilistic constraint: (2) The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) algorithm consists in the iteration of the following formulas: for all j (3) And (4) ? ? ? 1,? if E j (x k) = 0 and u jk = 0 ? l ? j where, in the case of the Euclidean space: E j = xk ? y j 2 (5) It is worth noting that if one chooses m = 1 the fuzzy C-Means Functional J m (Eq. 1) reduces to the expectation of the global error (which we denote as ): (6) and the FCM algorithm becomes the classic Hard C-Means algorithm. 2.3. Convolutional Networks A Convolutional network is an alternating sequence of linear filtering and nonlinear transformation operations. The input and output layers include one or more images, while intermediate layers contain ââ¬Å"hidden units with images called feature maps that are the internal computations of the algorithm. The activity of feature map a in layer k is given by (7) where Ik-1;b are feature maps that provide input to Ik;a, and denotes the convolution operation. The function f is the sigmoid f(x) = 1= (1 + e -x) and ?k;a is a bias parameter. We restrict our experiments to monochrome images and hence the networks contain a single image in the input layer. It is straightforward to extend this approach to color images by assuming an input layer with multiple images (e.g., RGB color channels). For numerical reasons, it is preferable to use input and target values in the range of 0 to 1, and hence the 8-bit integer intensity values of the dataset (values from 0 to 255) were normalized to lie between 0 and 1. We also explicitly encode the border of the image by padding an area surrounding the image with values of -1. 3. Bilateral Filtering: The idea underlying bilateral filtering is to do in the range of an image what traditional filters do in its domain. Two pixels can be close to one another, that is, occupy nearby spatial location, or they can be similar to one another, that is, have nearby values, possibly in a perceptually meaningful fashion. Closeness refers to vicinity in the domain, Similarity to vicinity in the range. Traditional filtering is domain filtering, and enforces closeness by weighing pixel values with coefficients that fall off with distance. Similarly, we define range filtering, which averages image values with weights that decay with dissimilarity. Range filters are nonlinear because their weights depend on image intensity or color. Computationally, they are no more complex than standard nonseparable filters. Spatial locality is still an essential notion. In fact, we show that range filtering by it selfmerely distorts an imageââ¬â¢s color map. We then combine range and domain filtering, and show that the combination is much more interesting. We denote the combined filtering as bilateral filtering. Since bilateral filters assume an explicit notion of distance in the domain and in the range of the image function, they can be applied to any function for which these two distances can be defined. In particular, bilateral filters can be applied to color images just as easily as they are applied to black-and-white ones. The CIE-Lab color space [16] endows the space of colors with a perceptually meaningful measure of color similarity, in which short Euclidean distances correlate strongly with human color discrimination performance [16]. Thus, if we use this metric in our bilateral filter, images are smoothed and edges are preserved in a way that is tuned to human performance. Only perceptually similar colors are averaged together, and only perceptually visible edges are preserved. 4. Self Estimation Algorithm and Parameter Settings: If the number of clusters is manually specified, the segmentation may not be effective. Hence there must be a system to calculate the robust number of clusters. A method has been suggested for automatically finding no. of clusters with K means clustering [7]. That algorithm is modified for finding no. of clusters in our work. The self estimation algorithm used for fuzzy clustering techniques finds the Euclidean distance between the different cluster centers. If the maximum Euclidean distance between the cluster centers is greater than the specified value, then the number of cluster centers is increased by one else the clusters are merged.. The self estimation algorithm for neural network finds the difference between the weight vectors. If the difference between the weight vectors is greater than the specified value, then the number of cluster centers is increased by one else the clusters are merged. 4.1. Algorithm Step 0: Initialize weights wij.Set topological neighborhood parameters with its radius as Set learning rate parameters. Step 1: While stopping condition are false, do steps 2 6 Step 2: for each input vector x, do steps 3 ââ¬â 5 Step 3: For each j, compute: D(j) = ?i (wij ââ¬â xi)2 Step 4: Find index J such that D(J) is a minimum Step 5: For all units j within a specified neighborhood of J, and for all i: wij(new) = ij(old) + ?[xi ââ¬â wij(old)] Step 6: Update learning rate The learning rate ? is a gradually decreasing function of training epochs. The formation of the competitive occurs in two phases. In the first phase the initial formation of the correct order takes place. In the second phase the final convergence. The second phase takes much longer than the first and requires a smaller value for the learning rate. Random values may be assigned for the initial weights. If some information is available concerning the distribution of clusters that might be appropriate for a particular problem, the initial weights can be taken to reflect that prior knowledge. 4.2. Parameter Settings: For the bilateral filtering part of the proposed method, we set the parameters as follows: Bilateral filtering with parameters ?d = 3 pixels and ?r = 50 intensity values is applied to the image in figure 3 (a) to yield the image in figure 3 (b). Notice that most of the fine texture has been filtered away, and yet all contours are as crisp as in the original image. Figure 3 (c) shows a detail of figure 3 (a), and figure 3 (d) shows the corresponding filtered version. The two onions have assumed a graphics-like appearance, and the fine texture has gone. However, the overall shading is preserved, because it is well within the band of the domain filter and is almost unaffected by the range filter. Also, the boundaries of the onions are preserved. Figure 3: A picture before (a) and after (b) bilateral filtering. (c,d) are details from (a,b). 5. Experimental Results: We derive training and test sets for our experiments from natural images in the Berkeley segmentation database, which has been previously used to study denoising [20, 4]. We restrict our experiments to the case of monochrome images; color images in the Berkeley dataset are converted to grayscale by averaging the color channels. The test set consists of 100 images, 77 with dimensions 321_481 and 23 with dimensions 481 _ 321. Quantitative comparisons are performed using the Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Average Error (MAE) of the output image and comparisons are made based on the Error Image. The Error of the corresponding image is calculated by subtracting the original image from the image we obtained. 5.1. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio Signal-to-noise (SNR) estimates the quality of a reconstructed image compared with the original image. The basic idea is to compute a single number that reflects the quality of the reconstructed image[4]. Reconstructed images with higher metrics are judged better. In fact, traditional SNR measures do not equate with human subjective perception. Several research groups are working on perceptual measures, but for now signal-to-noise measures are used because they are easier to compute. Also to be noted that higher measures do not always mean better quality. The actual metric that is computed in this work is the peak signal-to-reconstructed image measure, which is called PSNR. Assume a source image f(i,j) is given that contains M by N pixels and a reconstructed image F(i,j) where F is reconstructed by decoding the encoded version of f(i,j). Error metrics are computed on the luminance signal only so the pixel values f(i,j) range between black (0) and white (255). First the mean absolute error of the reconstructed image is computed (MAE) as follows (11) The summation is over all pixels. PSNR in decibels (dB)[4] is computed by using PSNR = 10 log 10 (2552 / MAE). (12) 5.2. Error Image The other important technique for displaying errors is to construct an error image which shows the pixel-by-pixel errors. The simplest computation of this image is to create an image by taking the difference between the reconstructed and original pixels. These images are hard to see because zero difference is black and most errors are small numbers which are shades of black. The typical construction of the error image multiples the difference by a constant to increase the visible difference and translates the entire image to a gray level. The computation is E(i,j)=2[f(i,j)-F(i,j)] +128 (13). The constant (2) or the translation (128) can be adjusted to change the image. Some people use white (255) to signify no error and difference from white as an error which means that darker pixels are bigger errors. Figure 4: Denoising results on an image from the test set. The noisy image was generated by adding Gaussian noise with ? = 50 to the clean image. Non-blind Denoising results for the BLS-GSM, FoE, and Convolutional network methods are shown. The lower left panel shows results for the outlined region in the upper left panel. The zoomed in region shows that in some areas CN2 output has less severe artifacts than the wavelet-based results and is sharper than the FoE results. CN1 results (PSNR=24:12) are visually similar to those of CN2. Table below shows the comparison of the three techniques on their quality metrics. S.No. Method PSNR Execution Time 1. Fuzzy Clustering (Fuzzy) 28.24 253.14 2. Fuzzy C Means Clustering (FCM) 30.57 161.71 3. Convolutional Network (CN) 39.39 2.28 6. Conclusion: Out of the three methods tested competitive neural network is found to be good on the basis of image reproduction because of increased PSNR as well as image compression due to the increased compression ratio. We have found that the optimal ?r value of the bilateral filter is linearly related to the standard deviation of the noise. The optimal value of the ?d is relatively independent of the noise power. Based on these results, we estimate the noise variance at each level of the subbands decomposition and use the optimal ?r value for bilateral filtering. The key factor in the performance of the proposed method is the multiresolution application of the bilateral filter. It helped eliminating the coarse-grain noise in images. The wavelet thresholding adds power the proposed method. This work has several applications in various scientific fields like Satellite imaging, Map determination, Medical imaging, Optical character recognition (OCR), Non-Destructive testing, etc. The program developed has been tested with various pictures and the results were proven to be fruitful. The program has also been tested for its consistency and its reliability. References [1] C. Rosenberger,K. Chehdi, ââ¬Å"Unsupervised Clustering Method with Optimal Estimationof the Number of Clusters: Application to Image Segmentationâ⬠in the proceedings of 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR00) Volume 1 p. 1656. [2] Sven behnke and nicolaos b. Karayiannis, 1998, ââ¬Å"Competitive neural trees for pattern classificationâ⬠, in the IEEE transactions on neural networks, vol. 9, no. 6, pp.1352 -1369, november 1998. [3] Rezaee, M.R. van der Zwet, P.M.J. Lelieveldt, B.P.E. van der Geest, R.J. Reiber, J.H.C., 2000, ââ¬Å"A multiresolution image segmentation technique based on pyramidal segmentation and fuzzy clusteringâ⬠in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, pp: 1238-1248, Vol. 9, No: 7, Jul 2000. [4] Hung-Ching Lu, Ted Tao,2006, ââ¬Å"Closed-loop method to improve image PSNR in pyramidal CMAC networksâ⬠in the Computer Applications in Technology 2006 Vol. 25, No.1 pp. 22 29. [5] R. Krishnapuram, J.M. Keller., 1996, The possibilistic c-means:insights recommendations. IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems 4: 385-393, 1996. [6] Songcan Chen, Daoqiang Zhang, 2004, ââ¬Å"Robust image segmentation using FCM with spatial constraints based on new kernel-induced distance measureâ⬠in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.34,No.4,pp: 1907-1916,Aug 2004. [7] Siddheswar Ray and Rose H Turi, 1999, Determination of number of clusters in k-means clustering and application in colour image segmentation, in 4th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques (ICAPRDT99), 1999. [8]. C. Tomasi and R. Manduchi, ââ¬Å"Bilateral filtering for gray and color images,â⬠in Proc. Int. Conf. Computer Vision, 1998, pp.839ââ¬â846. [9]. S. G. Chang, B. Yu, and M. Vetterli, ââ¬Å"Adaptive wavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression,â⬠Trans. Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1532ââ¬â1546, September 2000. [10]. D. L. Donoho and I. M. Johnstone, ââ¬Å"Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage,â⬠Biometrika, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 425ââ¬â455, 1994. Research Papers on Image Denoising Based on Soft Computing TechniquesAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductMind TravelResearch Process Part OneThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesEffects of Television Violence on Children
Friday, November 22, 2019
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Thursday, November 21, 2019
Dinosaur bones were placed on this earth by Satan to confuse man Research Paper
Dinosaur bones were placed on this earth by Satan to confuse man regarding the existence of God - Research Paper Example ââ¬Å"Dinosaur bones were placed on this earth by Satan to confuse man regarding the existence of Godâ⬠According to some Christian sects, dinosaur bones were placed on this earth by Satan to confuse man regarding the existence of God. Jehovahââ¬â¢s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, and Church of Christââ¬â¢s believers explain their disbelief for the Theory of Evolution and instead believe in the Bibleââ¬â¢s account of creation, where God created the world in seven days (Lulu, n.d). They strongly believe this concept of dinosaur bones being placed on earth by Satan because their conceptualization of creation is based on the accounts of the Bible. They point out that the Bible does not make mention of dinosaurs; therefore whatever proof there may be that dinosaurs exist is merely the work of Satan and a test of our faith in God (Warren, 1995). Dinosaur bones are a test of our faith because it leads the people to think that dinosaurs existed a long time ago and that the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin is the accurate account of the birth of our world. Darwin believes that the world was created in stages through his Big Bang Theory where from a single explosion, the world was born (Schwarz, 2002). From such an explosion, the planets and the solar systems came about. With the careful process of time and evolution, more developments in the creation of living things were seen ââ¬â from the earliest organisms to dinosaurs, then on to mammals and finally to human beings (Schwarz, 2002). These Christian groups however oppose the idea that man evolved from primates and they point out that the missing link has never been discovered (Timmons, 1991). Therefore the idea that man evolved from primates is an inaccurate theory according to these religious groups. Instead, they believe that God created man in seven days. On the first day, God created light. On the second day, he divided the sky and the waters below. On the third day, he gathered the wat ers and the lands together in separate places. On the fourth day, he created the stars and the heavenly planets. On the fifth day, he created the living creatures of the skies and the seas. On the sixth day, he then created the creatures of the lands, including man. And on the seventh day, he rested (Somers and Christmayer, 2004). As can be seen from the account of creation, dinosaurs have not been created by God. Therefore, they do not and have never existed. These dinosaurs are therefore a product of Satan and a test of our faith in God and his creation of our world. In believing the accounts in the Bible, we are therefore led to believe that the accounts in the Bible are a lie and that God does not even exist. Those who believe in this concept of dinosaur bones being the work of Satan, also point out how the different scientific theories contradict their faith (Warren, 1995). One of these theories is that Satan uses such dinosaurs in order to confuse young Christians about their faith and to turn their faith away from God. When these young Christians go to school and learn about these dinosaurs, they also eventually turn away from God and from the teachings of the Bible (Warren, 1995). Some Christians believe that the dinosaurs are not part of Godââ¬â¢s creation because man cannot coexist with these creatures. In the end, man would end up being eaten by these dinosaurs. It is therefore difficult to conceptualize the idea of these dinosaurs actually roaming our earth (Trussville, 2008). Their existence has mostly been proven through fossils and not much else. Proof of their existence beyond the realm of such fossils is impossible to place in a firm footing of believability. The best conclusion which can therefore be drawn is to disbelieve the existence of dinosaurs and consider them as works of Satan. For those who have a strong faith in God and the teachings of the Bible, it would be easier for them to believe that dinosaurs never existed even with proof to the contrary (Trussville, 2008). Instead, the crucial belief is for the support in Godââ¬â¢
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Compare and contrast the difference between a psychotherapy threatment Literature review
Compare and contrast the difference between a psychotherapy threatment and religion - Literature review Example However, the psychotherapy treatment intervention is highly based on the psychologistââ¬â¢s dealing with the clients by stating them their level of independent competencies required for coping. Moreover, psychotherapy treatment involves various theoretical methods as well as the behavioural assessments of the patients. Nevertheless, in religious therapy, intervention plan is highly dependent upon the patientââ¬â¢s willingness to cope with health disparities, difficulties, and sacrifice (DeRubeis & et. al., 2008). Correspondingly, the approach of psychotherapy treatment mechanism is regarded as the process, which works on developing interpersonal interventions to mitigate the mental health problems of the patient. Besides, the approach of the treatment helps to develop the social well-being of the client in the most effective and rapid manner and reduce the discomfort that they face. Moreover, during the course of treatment, practitioners utilise various techniques, which is based on enriching the relationship as well as the communication and changing the behaviour that will likely contribute to improve the mental state of the patient. Similarly, intervention of the therapy is highly based on the problem of the patient, as some of the therapy highly focuses on changing their current behaviour whereas, other mechanisms emphasise over determining the previous issues and resolving the existing problems. Nevertheless, the approach of psychotherapy treatment undertakes mental health issues includi ng bulimia, depression, anger management, anxiety, phobias and chronic pain among others (Ritchey & et. al., 2011; Combs & Romm, n.d.). Apparently, the means of religion therapy treatment also plays an integral role to eradicate the issue of patient conditions and prove to be effective as a form of therapy. It is in this context that the means of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Should We or Should We Not Write Essays in Science Class Essay Example for Free
Should We or Should We Not Write Essays in Science Class Essay A Science class is not an appropriate course for a student to consume their needs of time into an assigned essay, as an English class would purposely cover. It is not a place where a student should be assigned to write an essay. For that matter, students essentially have an English class. Science class is a course where students learn science related topics through observation and experimentation. Purposely, time for a science class is spent doing experimentations where students learn more efficiently. A Science class should not assign essays to their students because their understanding of the curriculum is from observations and calculations from experiments. This makes it inappropriate because there is no reason for the students to be doing them. Whether a student needs a science class for the specific career they want to pursue in the future or they need it for credits, assigning an essay to a student would be a waste of time. Students will understand by observing and taking notes about the specifics they had learn. Not by writing essays. Essays have no purpose for a science course, because students already have an English course to write essays. Essays are covered in an English class, and there is no reason why a student should be writing them in another class. Time in a science class is clearly spent doing experiments and observation. Writing essays in a science class accomplishes no purpose either because the time could be better spent doing experiments where the students understand and learn more. Essays are written as an understanding for a certain topic, but in a science class basically all the understanding comes from observations. Completing essays will clearly be a waste of time for the class. For a science class, students considerably donââ¬â¢t have time to write an essay for another course like science. I personally get homework every-single day and it takes me an average of 3 hours to complete all my assignments. I am constantly staying up late, always trying to finish my homework. I come home at six oââ¬â¢ clock everyday because thatââ¬â¢s when my mom picks me after my extra-curricular activities. Most students even have more extra-curricular activities than me. Concerning all the clubs most schools have, and jobs people have. Itââ¬â¢s already time-consuming enough to fill our own needs with fun-activities, other than homework. A science course should not assign essays to their students because there is no purpose, itââ¬â¢s not appropriate, and it consumes more time out of a student. Science is not even in the same field as English so why would the curriculum of an essay which is under the English field relate to Science. It just serves no correct purpose to write an essay for a science class because it wouldnââ¬â¢t give any new understanding to a student. A student is placed in an English course and Science course for separate reasons, and because of that an essay should not be covered in a Science class as it already is covered in an English class.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes Of George Orwell Essay examples
Animal Farm: Communism Through The Eyes of George Orwell Throughout history, writers have written about many different subjects based on their personal experiences. George Orwell was the pen name of Eric Blair. He is one of the most famous political satirists of the twentieth century. He was born in Bengal, India in 1903 to an English Civil Servant and died in 1950. He attended Eton from 1917 to 1921, and served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1927 before moving to Europe.Two of his most famous books, Animal Farm, written in 1946, and Nineteen Eighty-Four, written in 1949, were written about the political and social environment surrounding his life. "The driving force behind his two satires is an intense revulsion against totalitarianism, combined with an even stronger revulsion against its defenders among left-wing intellectuals."1 In most of George Orwellà ¹s books and essays, there is a strong autobiographical element due to the fact that he spent many years living with Communists in northern Great Britain (a small number of people started to follow Communism in northern Great Britain when it started in Russia). George Orwellà ¹s writing was affected greatly by his personal beliefs about Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism, and by the revolts, wars, and revolutions going on in Europe and Russia at the time of his writings. George Orwell was a Socialist2 himself, and he despised Russian Communism3, and what it stood for. Orwell shows this hatred towards Communist Russia in a letter he wrote to Victor Gollancz saying, "For quite fifteen years I have regarded that regime with plain horror."4 Orwell wrote this letter in 1947, ten years after announcing his dislike of Communism. However, he had thought a great deal about Communism and what he disliked about if for a long time before he announced it to the public. Orwell "did not expect anything good from the Communist"5 and therefore Communism personally did not affect him, but "He was concerned with it (Communism) only because it was a problem for others."6 In Animal Farm, "an animal fable satirizing Communism,"7 Orwell uses farm animals in England to satirize Russian Communism and its leaders. One animal he uses is a pig named Napoleon, whose counterpart in the Russian Revolution is Joseph Stalin. After Napoleon takes charg... ...r, Alfred G. "Marx, Karl." World Book Encyclopedia.1988 ed. Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1949 Orwell, George. Animal Farm. New York, NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1946 Stansky, Peter and Abraham, William. Orwell: The Transformation. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1979 Stansky,Peter. On Nineteen Eighty-Four. San Francisco, California: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1983 Wadsworth, Frank W. "Orwell, George" World Book Encyclopedia. 1988 ed. Woodcock, George. The Crystal Spirit a study of George Orwell. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Company,1966 Voorhees, Richard J. The Paradox of George Orwell. New York, NY: Purdue Research Foundation,1961 "Stalin, Joseph." World Book Encyclopedia. 1988 ed. "Lenin, V.I." World Book Encyclopedia. 1988 ed.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Communication Channels Essay
A large number of cases point out that using communication channels properly would greatly improve the organization in some aspects. Without understanding communication channels, on the opposite, would have bad effects on the organization. It is not exaggerate to say that communication channels play a significant role in management and good managers will never miss them. In this essay, I will generally talk about three different communication channels which are formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity and then analyze each of them in details in order to make good comparison. By doing so, the differences among them are shown clearly. Some examples will be given to illustrate how important a good manager who understands communication channels and what benefit he would bring to the organization. Communication channels can be classified into three parts which are formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity. A formal communication channel identifies individuals who are the official sources of information and the information that is their special concern(Johnson, Donohue&Atkin,1994). Since relationships are determined by oneââ¬â¢s role, structure is viewed by managers as a static entity which conforms to a top down configuration (Monge & Eisenberg, 1987). This point of view emphasizes the configurations resulting from formal authority relationships represented in the organizational hierarchy. An official meeting which held by organization is an exmaple of formal channel. On contrast, an informal communication channel is designed for varieties of needs such as social ones and it is based on the social contact as well as the personal affection of administrative staff. This approach maintains a sense of personal integrity and team cohesiveness. Apart from the above two channels, grapevine activity is also counted. However, grapevine activity is a major medium of informal channel. As the name suggests, the grapevine is entwined throughout the organization with branches going in all directions. They spread quickly, uncontrollably and, once started, are often hard to stop. Because grapevine activity may harm both individuals and the organization itself, managers must consider how to control it. Above three communication channels have their own advantages and disadvantages under different circumstances. How to use them efficiently and properly gives us a good topic to discuss. Formal communication channel is significantly useful when there is something fairly important to the organization and everyone should pay attention to. It shows the authority of superior and it is strictly serious. If we use informal channels instead of formal ones under this circumstance, lack of authority and configuration will lead to a never reached target. On one would consider it as an important issue. However, nowadays, informal communication channel is regarded as the complement of formal channel and cannot be ignored. If we could manage informal channel in a right way, it would play an active role in organization. For example, in many situations, in order not to cause some unnecessary troubles, administrative staffs do not say exactly what they thought through formal communication channel but to chime in with others. On this occasion, when we take advantage of informal channel to have a talk with administrative staffs, we may grasp their true feelings towards certain issue and then shoot the arrow at the target. Informal channel may decrease interpersonal conflict and make the human relationship more harmonious. Grapevine activity, as mentioned above, it is a form of informal channel and it is an inevitable part of organizational life. Researchers generally agree that the grapevine often functions in a beneficial manner The grapevine can help improve organizational efficiency in a number of ways. It also can help identify pending problems, can function as an early warning signal for organizational change, and is a vehicle for creating a common organizational culture. Unfortunately, the down side of grapevine activity is obviously at the same time. The most common one is inaccuracy. psychological research reveals that human always like to send emotional messages when they are down in spirits or they are not satisfied with their jobs. They may misinterpret some facts intentionally or unintentionally and tell them to others in an exaggerate way. Someone who has have ulterior motives may take advantage of grapevine in order to satisfy their personal interests. Thus it can be seen that every communication channel has its range of application. Our aim in management is to use them properly. As a result, it is fairly important for a manager to understand communication channels. If a manager understand communication channels he(she) would know which channel is suitable for a certain situation. This would maintain a good human relationships and always make employees happy with their jobs. Employees do not work only for salary but also for some need in spiritual level. They need to be respected and participated. If they feel that they are important to the organization, they would work harder. A good manager would satisfy them with these aspects during formal communication. Informal communication also helps organization with its development. A good manager would use informal communication channel to keep good relationships with employees and cover the shortage of formal communication. For instance, treat employees a lunch or a dinner if they do well in their positions and listen to their opinions as much as you can. This would let them feel that they are valued. Also, provide childcare to employees who have babies already and to free them of worries. By doing so, employees would be more happier and they would contribute more to the organization. As for grapevine activity, a good manager would know how to deal with it and make good control of it. Consequently, the organization would grow faster if we take very good advantage of communication channels. In conclusion, there are three communication channels which are named as formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity. They all have positive functions to organization depend on how you manage them. It is worthwhile to know and use them appropriately in management and a great value will be obtained accordingly.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Deforestation Extinction Of Species Conclusion Essay
Deforestation Tropical forests include dense rainforests, where rainfall is abundant year-round; seasonally moist forests, where rainfall is abundant, but seasonal; and drier, more open woodlands. Tropical forests of all varieties are disappearing rapidly as humans clear the natural landscape for construction, to build roads and urban areas and make room farms and pastures (Lindsey, 2007). Although deforestation meets some of the human needs, it also has profound, sometimes devastating, consequences, including extinction of flora and fauna, social conflict, and climate change, challenges that are not just local, but global. At the current rate of deforestation, the worldââ¬â¢s rain forest may completely vanish in the next century (Lindsey, 2007). Jungle burned for agriculture in southern Mexico. (By Jami Dwyer via Wikimedia Commons) Deforestation has many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic impact is a loss of habitat for millions of species. Seventy percent of Earthââ¬â¢s land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the deforestation that destroys their homes (National Geographic, 2015). The forests are the home to a large number of animals; trees are also an important component of the water cycle (Bose, 2012). The roots of trees hold the soil together and prevent soil erosion. Deforestation at such alarming rate has been a cause of constant worries for environmentalists the world over (Bose, 2012). In some developing countries, massive deforestation is on-going and shaping climate and geography (Science daily, 2015). Deforestation may lead to a lot of causes, ranging from slow forest degradation to sudden and catastrophic wildfires. Deforestation results from removal of trees without sufficient reforestation; however, even with reforestation, significant biodiversity loss may occur Moreover, deforestation also alters the hydrologic cycle, the moisture in the atmosphere and the amount of water in the soil and groundwater (Science daily, 2015). Deforestation in indigenous territories by loggers, colonizers, and refugees has sometimes triggered violent conflict (Lindsey, 2007). Forest preservation can be socially divisive, as well. International and national governments and aid agencies struggle with questions about what level of human presence, if any, is compatible with conservation goals in tropical forests, how to balance the needs of indigenous peoples with expanding rural populations and national economic development, and whether establishing large, pristine, uninhabited protected areasââ¬âeven if that means removing current residentsââ¬âshould be the highest priority of conservation efforts in tropical forests (Lindsey, 2007). There are a few reasons which cause deforestation; one of the biggest drivers of deforestation is conversion to cropland and pasture, mostly for subsistence, which is growing crops or raising livestock to meet daily needs. Farmers cut forests to provide more spaces for grazing livestock and planting crops. The conversion to agricultural land usually results from multiple direct factors. For instance, countries build roads and railway expansion into remote areas to improve overland transportation of goods. The road development itself causes a limited amount of deforestation (Lindsey, 2007). When loggers have harvested an areaââ¬â¢s valuable timber, they will continue to harvest more. The roads and the logged areas become a magnet for settlers, farmers and ranchers who slash and burn the remaining forest for cropland or cattle pasture, completing the deforestation chain that began with road building (Lindsey, 2007). In other cases, forests that have been degraded by logging become fire-prone and are eventually deforested by repeated accidental fires from adjacent farms or pastures (Lindsey, 2007). Wildfires and slash and burn agriculture release carbon dioxide that would otherwise be stored in the forest biomass into the atmosphere. Forest regrowth and crops recapture some carbon, but overall, deforestation is a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide and therefore a contributor to global warming. In the Amazon alone, scientists estimate that the trees contain more carbon than 10 yearsââ¬â¢ worth of human-produced greenhouse gases (Lindsey, 2007). When people clear the forests, usually with fire, carbon stored in the wood returns back to the atmosphere, enhancing the greenhouse effect and global warming. Once the forest is cleared for crop or grazingà land, the soils can become a large source of carbon emissions. In places such as Indonesia, the soils of swampy lowland forests are rich in partially decayed organic matter, known as peat (Lindsey, 2007). During extended droughts, such as during El Nià ±o events (large-scale ocean-atmosphere climate interaction linked to a periodic warming in sea surface temperatures across the central and east-central Equatorial Pacific), (National Ocean Service, 2014) the forests and the peat become flammable, especially if they have been degraded by logging or accidental fire. When they burn, they release huge volumes of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (Lindsey, 2007). It is not certain whether intact tropical forests are a net source or sink of carbon. Certainly, the trunks of trees are a large, stable pool of carbon that grows as forests mature or regenerate on previously cleared land. But trees, plants, and microorganisms in the soil also respire, releasing carbon dioxide as they break down carbohydrates for energy. In the Amazon, huge volumes of carbon dioxide escape from decaying leaves and other organic matter in rivers and streams that flood large areas of forest during the rainy season (Lindsey, 2007). Extinction of Species The variety and interdependence of all living things has led to the evolution of world. Man has been killing animalsââ¬â¢ right since the time he acquired the skill of hunting (Bose, 2012). Although in those times, hunting was the means for survival, human beings continued to kill animals even after they had learned to cultivate crops. The relentless hunting by human beings, sometimes for the hide of a cheetah or the tusks of the elephants, or simply to cook the tasty shark fin soup, has wiped out the existence of a large number of animals in just a century (Bose, 2012). Besides hunting, human activities like deforestation and environmental pollution has led to the extinction of a large number of animals and plants due to loss of their habitats. Since prehistoric times, humans have used the earthââ¬â¢s resources to enrich their own lives. However, there is a point when the resources are beingà overexploited, and this exploitation begins to threaten the existence of other species. Over exploitation presents itself in many forms: exhausting a species as a supply of food or hunting a species for trophies, clothing, medicine or souvenir. In the aquatic biomes, overfishing is a worldwide manifestation of over-exploitation (Hogan, 2014). In the case of terrestrial ecosystems, overgrazing and intensive cropping systems are the chief elements of over-exploitation. Hunting for trophy or medicinal extracts comprises smaller biomass destruction, but is specifically targeted at some of the most threatened fauna of the planet (Hogan, 2014). These practices are generally overtly mercenary, rather than being motivated by subsistence or hunger, as most of the farming exploitation. For example, tigers have been an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine for over 1000 years and as such, they have been hunted to the brink of extinction as a product of the lucrative trade in tiger body parts (Hogan, 2014). Base on this picture, these are the modern biotic extracts store in Hong Kong, China. Certain of these products represent trade in organisms that are endangered species. http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/150962/ Pollution is the introduction of potentially harmful chemical or physical constituents into the environment, which substances substantially harm individual species metabolisms, or which strongly and rapidly alter a stable historic ecosystem composition (Hogan, 2014). This introduction usually enters the atmosphere, soil or natural water systems of the Earth. Widespread air pollutants are sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen. Water and soil pollutants of concern are heavy metals and a large category of pesticide and herbicide compounds (Hogan, 2014). Chemical pollutants may interfere with metabolic functions, causing functional impairment or death of organisms. Reductions in species numbers anywhere within a given food chain, of course, have ramifications to other members of the ecosystem (Hogan, 2014). Pollution is often a contributing factor along with habitat degradation in extinction processes. Here are some species that have all gone extinct in the past two centuries. The Quagga (Equus quagga ssp. quagga) was a subspecies of the common plainsà zebra and a native of South Africa. Known for its unique stripes, the Quagga was hunted for its hide and killed by ranchers who believed the animals competed with livestock for grazing area. The last known Quagga died at the Amsterdam Zoo in 1883 (Gerken, 2013). Known as Tasmanian tigers due to their stripes, thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) were the largest modern carnivorous marsupial according to the Smithsonian Institution (Gerken, 2013). They once existed across the Australian continent, but their habitat had been reduced to the island of Tasmania by the time European settlers arrived (Gerken, 2013).Thylacines were believed to kill livestock and were often shot and trapped. They were a convenient scapegoat for poor financial returns and high stock losses at a time of rural depression in Tasmania according to the National Museum of Australia (Gerken, 2013). The Tecopa pupfish (Cyprinodon nevadensis calidae) was native to the Mojave desert in California and could survive in waters as warm as 108 degrees Fahrenheit (Gerken, 2013). Human development around the Tecopa Hot Springs in the mid-20th century and the channelling of two springs together left the habitat unsuitable for the small fish. The Tecopa pupfish became extinct by 1970 or soon after (Gerken, 2013). Conclusion ââ¬Å"Earth provides enough to satisfy every manââ¬â¢s needs, but not every manââ¬â¢s greed.â⬠- Mahatma Gandhi. It is widely recognised that we are hugely overspending our current budget of natural resources. At the existing rates of exploitation, there is no way for the environment to recover in good time and save it for our future generation. Everything on our mother earth is interconnected, and while the nature supplies us with valuable environmental services. Without any of it, we cannot exist. We depend on each otherââ¬â¢s action and the way we treat natural resources. We should adopt a holistic view of nature. It is not an entity that exists separately from us; we are an inalienable part of nature and we should care for it in the most appropriate manner. This is the only way we possibly solve the problem of environmental pollution. The only key to save our beloved Mother Earth has been wandering with us from the very beginning. It has been silently drifting, waiting for someone to discover its dominating power.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Anne Boleyn Essays
Anne Boleyn Essays Anne Boleyn Paper Anne Boleyn Paper Although Anne Boleyn was queen of England for only three years, she played a major role throughout the Renaissance.Mother to Elizabeth I, she has been well-known for her political influence in England. Annes date of birth varies widely.Some articles claim she was born in 1502 or 1503, while others believe she was born as late as 1512-which would make her a little older than eleven when the King of Englandfirst beheld her and fell in love with Anne.At any rate, Anne was born into the Boleyn family most probably at Blickling Hall in Norfolk.Her father, Sir Thomas Boleyn-husband to the Duke of Norfolks daughter, Elizabeth Howard-was fairly well-off in their time.All three of their children-Mary, Anne, and George-were given a wonderful education.Anne, especially, was very bright, even as a little girl she was able to learn extremely quick.Although not much is known about Annes childhood, it is said she was born with a sixth finger and a huge mole on the side of h er neck-two signs of witchcraft, and many people throughout her time believed her to worship the devil. She isfirst publicly mentioned as an attendant lady accompanying Mary Tudor, the Kings sister, when she set off to France in 1514 to marry Louis XII.Many documents believe for a few years Anne stayed with Queen Claude, wife of Francis I.Queen Claude was a very pious woman, as most people were in that time, and it was thought of as a great honor to stay with her.However, as a daughter of a mere knight, Annes status was low in a place where rank was of paramount importance.(Noah Loft)Again, there is not much that anyone knows about Annes stay with the Queen, except that a boy, not older than twenty perhaps, fell in love with Anne; and Anne in turn, fell in love with him.He was Lord Harry Alergnon Percy, heir to the Earl of Northumberland.He was rich and his inheritance would be great.But there w Related Papers Queen Elizabeth 1 Anne Frank Rise of the Church of England Example research essay topic: Anne Hutchinson 584 words The Influenced and Influential King Henry Viii Henry The 8th Anne Frank Example research essay topic: Anne Frank 458 words Mary Queen of Scots Biography Analysis of Anne Bradstreetââ¬â¢s Poems Mary Queen of Scots Anne Frank Elizabeth Movie Review How to cite this page Choose cite format: Anne Boleyn. (2018, May 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/'>APA "Anne Boleyn." PaperAp.com, 16 May 2018, https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/'>MLA PaperAp.com. (2018). Anne Boleyn. [Online]. Available at: https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/[Accessed: 19 Sep. 2019]'>Harvard "Anne Boleyn." PaperAp.com, May 16, 2018. Accessed September 19, 2019. https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/'>Chicago "Anne Boleyn." PaperAp.com, 16 May 2018, https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/'>ASA "Anne Boleyn," PaperAp.com, 16-May-2018. [Online]. Available: https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/. [Accessed: 19-Sep-2019]'>IEEE PaperAp.com. (2018). Anne Boleyn. [Online]. Available at: https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/[Accessed: 19-Sep-2019]'>AMA Anne Boleyn. (2018, May 16). Retrieved from https://paperap.com/paper-on-anne-boleyn/ Copy to clipboard A+ Pages:3 Words:682 This is just a sample.To get a unique paper Hire Writer Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? 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Get custom paper sample written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order now Anne Boleyn Paper Discuss the ways conventional or unconventional in which the poets mistress is represented by any TWO poets of the period. Refer to at least three poems, commenting closely on at least two. This essay proposes to explore, compare and discuss the different ways in which poets have portrayed their mistresses in the Elizabethan sonnets. I will be particularly focussing on sonnets 18 and 130 by William Shakespeare and Whoso List to Hunt and They Flee from Me by Thomas Wyatt. These poems show very different ways of portraying the mistresss of two prominent Elizabethan poets, one displaying a conventional portrayal the other three not. Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare; Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day is a beautiful and conventional Petrarchian sonnet with the explanation of the summer, then line 9 beginning with saying how the mistress is lovelier. He compares the beauty of his mistress the beauty of a day in summer; line 2 says Thou art more lovely and more temperate saying that she is more beautiful than summer and more pleasant. He spends the next 7 lines explaining that summer does not last forever, And summers lease hath all to short a date line 4. Shakespeare says the sun becomes too hot using a metaphor for the sun as heavens eye Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, then he also says that often it is not bright enough using personification, talking of the suns complexion as a face; and often his gold complexion dimmed. He then goes back to talking about his mistress, but thy eternal summer shall not fade, he is saying that she is his summer and she will always be that way, her summer-like beauty will never diminish as the sun and season will. He is using his poetry to make her beauty timeless, even death cannot take her beauty when it is recorded in his work; Nor death brag thou wandrest in his shade, when in eternal lines to Time thou growst. Immortalising her in his sonnet as an artist would in a portrait. Sonnet 130 also by William Shakespeare; My mistress Eyes are nothing like the sun is also a pertrachian sonnet with the turn on line 9, but instead of playing up the beauty of his mistress to more than it is, he tells it like it is but still expresses his love for her. The word My used in line 1 and 12, the poet is personalising this poem, it is his mistress, no one has commissioned this sonnet, and it is his own. Shakespeare contrasts his mistress eyes to the sun rather than similarising them, this shows knowledge of the customary comparisons of Sidney in his sonnets. In the third line Shakespeare again shows knowledge of other poets as coral is another comparison used for lips that Shakespeare chooses not to use; Coral is far more red than he lips red. He then goes on to say that her breasts are dun and her hair is black, these were not aspects of conventional beauty in the Elizabethan times also the comparison of hair to wires has possibly been used before Shakespeare implies Whereas (poet mistresses) hairs are normally compared with (gold) wires, mine possesses black ones. (Katherine Duncan-Jones, 1997). He then goes on to mention in lines 7 and 8 that there is perfume that smells better than her breath; And in some perfumes is there more delight than in the breath that form my mistress reeks. On the whole Shakespeare is not very complimentary towards his mistress, up until the characteristic Petrarchian turn in line 9, where Shakespeare first mentions his love for his mistress. Although music is more beautiful he loves to listen to her speaking. He does not liken to her to a goddess, I grant I never saw a goddess go, he admits that she is mortal and earthly My mistress when she walks treads on the ground. Shakespeare end s with saying that he believes that his love for his mistress is as strong as any of those poets who falsely compare the beauty of there lovers.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Quotations About Fun by the Famous
Quotations About Fun by the Famous Fun is a state of mind. If you have a zest for life, you will wont miss out on making the most of theà good times. Do you go through life uptight and worried and need theà inspiration to chill out? These quotes will remind you of the fun moments in your life and that the key to a good life is to have fun. Quotes From Famous People About Having Fun Katharine Hepburn If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun. Dr. Seuss Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one. Albert Einstein Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Sid Caesar In between goals is a thing called life that has to be lived and enjoyed. Alfred Souza Dance as though no one is watching you; love as though you have never been hurt before, sing as though no one can hear you, live as though heaven is on earth. Bob Basso If its not fun, youre not doing it right. Walt Disney Its kind of fun to do the impossible. TS Eliot If you havent the strength to impose your own terms upon life, you must accept the terms it offers you. Randy Pausch I am going to keep having fun every day I haveà leftââ¬â¹ because there is no other way of life. You just have to decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore. Albert Einstein Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves. Thomas A. Edison I never did a days work in my life. It was all fun. Woody Allen Man consists of two parts, his mind and his body, only the body has more fun. Fred Couples Golf is supposed to be fun, but I dont think anything is fun if youre not doing it reasonably well. Jerry Seinfeld The Four Levels of Comedy: Make your friends laugh, Make strangers laugh, Get paid to make strangers laugh, and Make people talk like you because its so much fun. Adam Carolla If you want to have a good life, you should focus on your family, on your business, on your dog, on your fun, and youll have a good life. Rickey Henderson Once you can accept failure, you can have fun and success. Herodotus If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. Tom Wilson About the only time losing is more fun than winning is when youre fighting temptation. Jimmy Fallon Have fun is my message. Be silly. Youre allowed to be silly. Theres nothing wrong with it. Nancy Mitford I love children, especially when they cry, for then someone takes them away. Mark Twain Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen. James Hetfield Its all fun and games till someone loses an eye, then its just fun you cant see.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
How my proposed (GroupBased) Scheme fit within the existing literature Essay
How my proposed (GroupBased) Scheme fit within the existing literature - Essay Example However, the label of the root-node in each group is allocated based on this nodeââ¬â¢s parent pre label. The scheme borrows two major strengths of interval-based schemes. This is the ability to produce compact local labels and the simplicity of the labels produced by interval-based schemes (Dietz, 1982 #19;Li, 2001 #72;Zhang, 2001 #225;Zhuang, 2011 #204). In the proposed scheme, the local allocation of these labels facilitates the direct and quick extraction of the parent/child, sibling and label order information between nodes within a group. (see Chapter 5). The next challenge that is then faced by this scheme is the support for updates. As noted before, interval-based schemes have limited support for updates. This means that in the proposed scheme there has to be a methodology to handle an update. In the interval-based schemes, the handling of an update would substantially affect the performance of the scheme due to the re-labelling requirement. More to the need to handling updates is the ability of the proposed scheme to also handle different types of insertions, especially as the introduction of most forms of insertions may require automatic updating (Scott, et al., 2011). There are generally new nodes and existing nodes that may be inserted into the xml document. It is therefore important that the proposed scheme will be structured and created in such a way that accommodates the functional characteristics of handling both types of insertion without any pragmatic effect on the updating process and the time used to perform updates. Amagasa, Yoshikawa, and Uemura (2003) also explained that whether insertions may be new or existing, there are chances that such types of insertion as uniform insertion, skewed insertion, and random insertion will all be performed. But as it has been noted in the literature review section, each of these types of insertions comes with their own limitations and challenges. It was therefore importa nt that in
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